ACO at inter airport europe 2021
News from the leading international trade fair for the airport industry

At the leading trade fair for the airport industry, inter airport Europe from 9 to 12 November 2021, everything in Munich will revolve around airport technology and services. The event will focus on new technologies and innovations for the modern airport of the future. As a leading company in the fields of surface drainage, stormwater treatment, water pollution control and manhole covers, ACO will be represented at the trade fair.
In line with the different areas of application at airports, ACO is presenting solutions for "Landside", "Building" and "Airside". Innovations such as the new ACO DRAIN® Qmax Neo and the ACO DRAIN® PowerDrain in the area of line drainage will play a special role. The product innovations presented support the area of holistic rainwater management along the ACO system chain.
There will be live broadcasts from the ACO Show Floor on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Click here toregister for the online event.
What you can expect at the ACO trade fair stand - stand number 860
General information about the trade fair