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News from the ACO Group

IverAhlmann Vorschau News
22 06-2022

Musto Skiff World Championship 2022

June 2022 - The sailing competitions at Kiel Week promise excitement and spectacular maneuvers. The Musto Skiff World Championship, which will be held for the…

Bild 11 News Vorschau
21 06-2022

Hans-Julius Ahlmann awarded the World Economy Prize

Juni 2022 - The Kiel Institute for the World Economy awarded the Managing Partner of the ACO Group, Hans Julius Ahlmann, with the World Economy Prize on Sunday,…

2022 HJA Preis News
17 06-2022

Hans-Julius Ahlmann is awarded the World Economy Prize

Büdelsdorf, 17.06.2022 - The Kiel Institute for the World Economy will award the Managing Partner of the ACO Group, Hans Julius Ahlmann, with the World Economy…

IFAT Karussell
16 06-2022

ACO presents intelligent environmental technology at IFAT

June 2022 - At the world's leading trade fair for environmental technology in Munich, ACO presented system solutions for sustainable stormwater management in…

Logistikflaeche News Vorschau
14 06-2022

Intelligent technology under asphalt: New logistics area at ACO

May 2022 - ACO inaugurates a new logistics area with state-of-the-art smart technology at its headquarters in Büdelsdorf.

Pinocchio Final News
16 06-2022

New perspectives at NordArt

June 2022 - Successful start for NordArt 2022. The international art exhibition on the grounds of the historic iron foundry will be open from June 4 to October…

IverAhlmann Vorschau News
14 06-2022

Musto Skiff World Championship 2022

June 2022 - The 11th ACO Musto Skiff World Championship 2022 as part of the Kieler Week provide the ideal setting, to celebrate its 10th anniversary of…

Pressemitteilung Vorschau
13 01-2022

Consent withheld for merger between drainage specialist BIRCO and the…

January 14th, 2022 - The German Federal Cartel Offices (Bundeskartellamt) announced their decision not to approve the planned merger between BIRCO GmbH and the…

16 12-2021

ACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KG changes company name to ACO Ahlmann…

December 10th, 2021 - The 75th anniversary of ACO, marks the ceremonial signing of the change of company name: ACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KG becomes ACO…