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News from the ACO Group

11 12-2018

IFAT 2018: Four Stein im Brett awards and an IKT label

May 2018 − We can look back on a successful show: during this year's IFAT, we were awarded four Stein im Brett awards from ibau and a renewed IKT label for our…

11 12-2018

New slotted frame as a design statement

May 2018 - Aesthetics and design have always been part of ACOs DNA, especially when it comes to making our offer for the design of linear drainage ever more…

11 12-2018

ACO und die erste gläserne Metzgerei Schleswig-Holsteins

April 2018 - Tobias Carstens hat sein Hobby, das Züchten von Galloway- und Highland-Rindern, zum Beruf gemacht. Vielen ist er in der Region bereits unter dem…

11 12-2018

Water protection for us is a personal priority

March 2018 − Spring is herring fishing time: numerous anglers have been fishing on the banks of the Obereider port since March to catch the popular delicacy…

10 12-2018

The German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel signed the ACO Golden Book

On the occasion of the North Business Conference 2009 the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel delivered a speech and signed the ACO Golden Book. Furthermore she…